Get expert advice on different topics, thanks to our high value dedicated programs. You’ll get precious insights that will help you optimize your business potential and get the most of it.
Get expert advice on different topics, thanks to our high value dedicated programs. You’ll get precious insights that will help you optimize your business potential and get the most of it.
Robopac offers to its customers the possibility to qualify their operators and machine maintainers so that they can use and maintain the purchased machines in the best way.
This is possible thanks to professional training courses held at the customer’s premises. The courses also provide specific documentation that guides operators and maintenance staff step by step through the various operations to be carried out.
AVAILABLE FOR: Robopac Systems, Robopac Packers and robopac palletizers
Robopac competent and experienced staff, completely dedicated to the continuous updating of the technical knowledge of Robopac Dealers, offers throughout the year technical courses in different languages and at various levels of depth, updating every year hundreds of technicians all over the world.

The recent Covid 19 pandemic provided an opportunity to significantly intensify online courses.
The great success of these courses, particularly appreciated by all users, has been made possible also thanks to the use of a portal and a particularly structured training tool of the latest generation.
Robopac has carefully archived, over the years, all the technical documentation issued for each of the more than 200,000 machines produced and sold worldwide (user and maintenance manuals, spare parts manuals, wiring diagrams, software releases) and is able at any time to make it available to its distribution network in a dedicated and reserved area of the portal.
AVAILABLE FOR: Robopac Machinery
All Robopac machines are supplied with a complete documentation composed of use and maintenance manuals, spare parts manuals, wiring diagrams, software releases. This documentation is also available on-line in a dedicated and reserved area of the MyRobopac website.
AVAILABLE FOR: Robopac Systems, Robopac Packers and robopac palletizers
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